#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Explore The World's Largest Cave in this interactive educational tour, remastered from Martin Edström's virtual tour of Son Doong in 2015 for National Geographi ### Title tour.name = Explore Son Doong - Education edition ## Skin ### Button Button_8D2C666E_C64C_3211_41D6_C9C089AC2E33.label = E-LEARNING PREVIEW DRAFT version 1.2 Button_90AC4E1F_BB65_E2D7_41E5_BA750896CA0A.label = NEXT Button_95698A4F_BB5B_A2B7_41CD_3F886184BCE1.label = BACK Button_A92D9705_BB42_E1F6_41DF_0A9495A2579E.label = LAUNCH TOUR Button_A92E8703_C18F_2F66_41E5_0DD0B585382A.label = R E M A S T E R E D : E D U C A T I O N V E R S I O N Button_D36153AB_C095_26A6_41DF_1430BEB1BD8C.label = LAUNCH VR MODE ### Multiline Text HTMLText_4DC4A620_DBC7_D211_41E7_2C38DF7EC2A0.html =